Design development of a mobile publishing platform
FOMO is a site-specific print magazine generated by an algorithm that gathers and records spoken words, social media interactions and other contextual metadata generated by a specific event or location. This media content is converted into a print-ready PDF on the fly by the FOMO software and then printed, bound and distributed on the spot by the FOMObile, a collapsible mobile publishing platform. Inspired by Bruce Sterling’s statement “events are the new magazines".
The structure was built through a stainless steel frame system. These are joined by a system of hinges and locking and stabilizing systems, allowing the 'installation to become itinerant and in a short time instead opened and stabilized and ready for use
FOMO In use producing publication on the fly, inside Palazzo Clerici at Milano Design Week
Space Caviar
Alessandro Mason
Marcello Comoglio
Atelier Clerici, Palazzo Clerici, Milano, 2014
Space Caviar